Monday, September 18, 2006

EMERGENCY - Please Read

Apparently the pussies have launched a website that is complete and utterly false propoganda aimed at discrediting the Sri Lankan Army. I went to the place and saw a server 404 Error. Looked a little fake so looked at the code. Sure enough, the server not found IS PART OF THE CODING ON THE PAGE. i.e. it has been hardcoded to show it. Furthermore, I managed to get a screen image of the actual site before the fake page shows up.

Below is the part of the html source that shows where it has been coded to show 404 File Not Found.

Even if I am reading the code wrong... the above image speaks for itself.

P.s; I had to take a picture of the code coz blogger kept reading it and made it look like this page couldn't be found. Everything in between the "BY ME"s are pussy coding. lol.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


American Foreign Policy:

Demand what they want and get it through diplomatic blackmail. Air bases, staging areas for troops, interrogation facilities for CIA etc etc. The 'War on Terror' policy demands all countries of the world to toe the American line when it comes to dealing with terrorists.


Troubled by internal dissent over Musharaff's involvement with America on the War on Terror. The man is trying to please everybody and doing a so far decent act of balancing on the tightrope. If he falls, he's dead. Period. So, when given the opportunity, Pakistan shows its willingness to help out countries fighting terrorism.


Being a regional powerhouse, economically and militarily, they have an unnecessary amount of say in the dealings of their neighboring countries. The thinly veiled animosity they feel towards Pakistan is highlighted when they 'almost' lodged a complaint (god knows with whom) when the Pakistani ambassador to Sri Lanka (who was previously some intelligence agent) was appointed. Now, India still has it's own internal problms due to the varying parties that consist of the ruling coalition. But, India still has to toe the global line when it comes to War on Terror. These days those who don't become a pariah faster than you can say 'huh'.

How it all plays out.

GOSL tried to purchase arms from India which India refused due to pressure from South Indian (mainly Tamil Nadu) political parties. But, although they themselves could refuse a sale, they cannot stop a sale from another country to GOSL. Enter Pakistan, who willingly supplied the armaments GOSL required. India couldn't utter a word for fear of being painted as a supporter of a recognized terrrorist group, i.e. LTTE.

Pakistan comes out looking nice and rosy, India has yet another reason to dislike Pakistan, GOSL gets the weapons it wants (I don't know if they need it, but they definitely wanted it) and LTTE gets a beating.

All hail the war on terror...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Little bit of this and a little bit of that...

So. The Army is victorious. This (The Sampoor/Sampur) campaign wasa brilliantly executed military strategy. The three forces complemented each other better than anything we have ever seen (there might have been mistakes but as always thats the takeaway for a future lessons learned). AND the objective was secured by reportedly 2000 troops. The usual casualty ratio when fighting a guerilla army on their own ground is somewhere around 10:1. The LTTE reportedly had 600 cadres. Whatever the actual casualty figures are - the reported ones are so far below the expected ratio. Kudos to the Generals who had the balls to see this trhough and for once, the political leadership was (excuse the expression) N'sync with the military.

(Picture courtesy of - this site has some unbelievable pictures of massacres done by the LTTE)

Its interesting to note that the LTTE did not buttress their forces in Sampur/Sampoor with further troops from the Northern units or Eastern units. They are simply locking down and preparing for further military advances. This is at the very least unusual behavior on the part of the pussies. They have their credo that they will only give up territory after exacting maximum casualties regardless of the numbers they themselves sacrifice (Keep in mind that they are terrorists who have no respect for life - their own nor their victims'). So, why is it suddenly that they give up one of the most prized locations without a fight? Coz they can't. Their numbers are down - Karuna did more than desert the LTTE. When he left he told cadres to go home, that LTTE is wrong. Thats gotta count for something on the East coast as he is a 'son of the soil' that the people 'adore'.

This poses the question as to WTF is going on?

With the recent arrests of apparent do-gooders who tried to get the pussies off of the banned list for a paltry millioan dollars (unaffiliated to the pussies of course - as their own press release claims; begs to wonder are these simply hardcore fans? If not, how do they feel about being deserted?) it seems that they are hard pressed for hardware and political support.

For example;

The bunch were arrested trying to buy shoulder fired SA-18 SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) to shoot down the Kfirs and the Migs. Fine, these are relatively 'exotic' items that are not easily available. BUT there was that business of 500 AK-47 assault rifles. Quoted around the world as the 'guerillas weapon of choice' it has been readily available to anybody who had cash. But, the fact that they tried to purchase it IN USA where it is really hard to find that kind of stuff in that kind of bulk shows imo desperation.

TRO funds were frozen everywhere and finally Sri Lanka. Better late than never eh? But still, it has GOT TO be putting a crimp on the pussies. Even revolutionaries have families and need to feed them. Tiger money isn't good for crap anyway. The only places that accept that currency are the places that are forced to. The Central Bank of Sri Lanka does not honor it in any way so how would it be converted? From where? WHo will accept 1 billion tiger shits (or whatever they call it) for a loaf of bread?

Imo it seems that they losing places to turn to. TRO had Rs 78 million plus. (around $ 750,000). Its not much in the great scheme of things, but it also seems that the terrorist organization with the most effective fund raising machinery might be going broke. I mean, they offered $900,000 for 100 SA-18's and 500 Ak-47's and the training to use the missiles. They didn't use any missiles during Sampoor/Sampur even though the Air Force bombed them to hell. They tried to buttress the forces with their (snort) 'navy' but got routed by a few gunboats.

It looks like they are getting pushed. Slowly, inexorably towards one of two options. Stop fighting and start a serious dialogue OR go to all out war.

On a lighter note, the weekend was simply brilliant. Sleepless, but a lot of fun. Penn State beat Akron on Saturday in a good ol thrashing. Found a good restaurant that served the best shrimp curry I've had in the US.

Have a good one everybody.